5 reasons you should visit croatia when interrailing


Are you planning your next interrail trip and looking for new and exciting destinations to add to your itinerary? Look no further than Split, Croatia! Here are five reasons why Split should be added to the list of destinations on your interrail trip: 

Rich history and culture: Split is home to the famous Diocletian’s Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most impressive Roman ruins in the world. This historic palace dates back to the 4th century and is a must-see for history lovers. In addition, Split has a vibrant cultural scene, with numerous museums, art galleries, and cultural events taking place throughout the year. 

Stunning beaches: Croatia is known for its stunning coastline, and Split is no exception. The city is surrounded by beautiful beaches, each with its own unique charm. From the bustling Bacvice Beach, with its beach bars and water sports, to the more secluded Kasjuni Beach, there is a beach for every type of traveler. 

Delicious food: Croatian cuisine is a delicious mix of Mediterranean and Eastern European influences, and Split is the perfect place to try it out. From fresh seafood to traditional dishes like Pasticada and Peka, there are plenty of culinary delights to discover in Split. Be sure to try some local wine, too – the region is known for producing some of the best wines in Croatia. 

Outdoor activities: If you’re an active traveler, Split has plenty of outdoor activities to keep you busy. Hike up Marjan Hill for stunning views of the city and surrounding islands, or rent a bike and explore the nearby countryside. You can also take a day trip to nearby Krka National Park, home to stunning waterfalls and hiking trails. 

Vibrant nightlife: Split comes alive at night, with a buzzing nightlife scene that caters to all tastes. From rooftop bars with stunning views to underground clubs playing the latest electronic music, there is something for everyone. You can even take a night-time swim at Bacvice Beach – the water stays warm well into the night! 

Split, Croatia is a destination that should not be missed on your interrail trip. With its rich history, stunning beaches, delicious food, outdoor activities, and vibrant nightlife, there is something for everyone in this beautiful city. So pack your bags, grab your interrail pass, and get ready for an adventure you’ll never forget!


Hey, I’m Charlie, the English born traveller who has just quit my 9-5 to travel the globe for 2 years. Make sure to follow my journey for all the Tips & Tricks you could need to plan your next adventure!